Hi, my name is Harish Gehlot and I am Data Science and Machine Learning Enthusiast. We are seeing that 100 days of machine learning is getting popular. But this is a serious challenge of discipline 📜 and getting too much knowledge 👨🔬. So here I've designed a 100 days structure in which what I am doing everyday is discussed. So if you are also interested 🎃, Let's start this journey together.
Structure 🪖
Day 1
In Day 1, we'll learn about Basic concepts of Machine Learning.
What is Machine learning ?.
Supervised, Unsupervised and Reinforcement Learning .
Basic Terminologies used in Machine Learning .
Day 2
Some basic Machine Learning Interview questions .
Difference between Supervised and Unsupervised Machine learning algorithm ?
Difference between Data Engineer, Data Scienctist, Data Analyst and Machine Learning Engineer ?
What is Online and Offline learning ?
How Machine Learning is different from Deep Learning ?
Day 3
Machine Learning Lifecycle and their different aspects .
Day 4
Analyze the Data and extract some insights i.e. Exploratory Data Analysis .
Use some dataset to visualize and extract information using python library .
Day 5
Learn different methods to impute missing values (Numerical and categorical features).
Day 6
Learn different methods to encode the categorical features .
Day 7
Learn different methods to remove outliers.
Day 8
Learn different methods for feature selection.
Day 9
Generate a sequential pipeline to transform the dataset .
Day 10 to 15
Learn and Implement Linear Regression Algorithm .
Machine learning interview question regarding this algorithm .
Day 16 to 20
Logistic Regression
Machine learning interview question regarding this algorithm .
Day 21 to 25
Support Vector Machine
Day 26 to 34
Decision Tree Algorithm
Random Forest Algorithm
Machine learning interview question regarding this algorithms .
Day 35 to 40
ADA Boost and Gradient Boost Algorithm .
Machine learning interview question regarding this algorithm .
Day 41 to 44
Naive Bayes Algorithm .
Machine learning interview question regarding this algorithm .
Day 45 to 46
KNN Algorithm i.e K Nearest Neighbor
Day 47 to 49
Learn about different metrics that we can use to check the accuracy of the model.
Day 50 to 54 (Building First Machine Learning Regression Project)
Proceeding the whole ML lifecycle (without MLOps) and build the Regression model.
Preprocess the data and identify which ML algorith to choose according to the metrics that we've used .
Day 55 to 57 (Building Second Machine Learning Classification Project)
Proceeding the whole ML lifecycle (without MLOps) and build the Classification model.
Preprocess the data and identify which ML algorith to choose according to the metrics that we've used .
Day 58 to 59 (Building Visualization Dashboard)
Visualize the dataset and create an insightful dashboard .
Day 60
Let's move to unsupervised learning ?
Different Unsupervised Machine Learning Algorithms ?
K Means Clustering Algorithm
Day 61
Implementing K Means Clustering algorithm
Day 62 (Building Recommendation System)
Implement the Movie genre recommendation system .
Day 63
What is Deep Learning ?
What is Neural Network ?
Implementing First Neural Network .
Day 64
Break down the Neural network that we've built in python .